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- Miller, Robin
The Fell Good Flue Page 11
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Page 11
Stan, “my way here was clear, but what the road brings is the day itself. I can only lead you to where my last load was keep, I never know if it’s still there until I get to it. With luck we will be there soon and see what shape it’s in.”
I said, “and what shape we’re in to deal with it, and the rest that will show itself.” Jacob and I ate the sandwiches Brandy had made for us while Stan had some nuts, and by late morning we were working our way up the mountain next to a wide stream.
I said, “is this the one that goes past the town?”
Stan, “yes, but from where we were it was shorter to come this way, on our trip back we can flank it all the way.”
I said, “I had a vision of a stream the other night, don’t tell me there is a boat up stream as well.”
Stand, “I won’t tell you anything you don’t see for yourself, I never know what’s been done when I’m not in a place for a night or two.”
In the distance we soon saw a bend in the stream, and a abandoned gold mine at its banks, with some old buildings that still had good wood on them. We rode up and to the large cave with all its gravel that made a crunching sound as we got close, then led the horses inside. He tied them up as we looked out at the open area, then lit a torch for us to follow him. We both lit one as well, and in a side shaft was a small wooden raft with many boxes on it. After pulling the tarp back he said, “still here, all that I have left of what I could move, now I’m at your mercy like the woman I want to get back to.”
I said, “I’ll have your back all the way there, your trade is with TT and her, I just secure the movement of cargo.”
Jacob, “does that mean I do the moving?”
Stan, “the horses can pull it to the water, then just one line to help it in the shallow parts.” Jacob, “so someone will need to steer it, a vision just went through my head and it was not mine.”
I said, “I know, next I will see a familiar squirrel laughing at me.”
Jacob, “not before we get this out of here first, I’ll run a line.”
So he got a rope from the horses and we brought them back to the sled. With two we pulled it out to the gravel in front of the cave, then down to the edge of the stream. After finding a strong staff I helped check the load to make sure it was tied down tight.
Stan said, “if I had to go get the horses this morning, we would have had to spend the night here, I’m glad not to do that again.”
I said, “I too long to get my feet back off the ground, but they will have to get wet first. I told TT I wanted a boat, and I think he is having a big laugh right about now, as he said nothing about what you said was here.”
Stan, “as I said, you will know when your eyes tell you, each day its different for me.” We pulled the raft into the water with me on board to steer, and it floated well. With a rope to a horse and my poll in my hands we moved it down the stream. Jacob rode off to one side and worked the trees to keep watch, as Stan gave a tug from time to time when the stream was slow. I keep my stand as firm as I could with the water that was splashing over the deck and coal ash grit under foot. But soon the raft was clean and we had gone down the mountain a good ways. From time to time Stan would switch mount with one Jacob was leading, so they could rest, and our speed was like the cross between white water rafting and drag racing. They had me on a ride of a lifetime, and I was keeping up with the moves that put this bird of the water flying safe. Once my poll snapped and the ride slowed down until Jacob could toss me another, but for the most part a lot of wood was getting cut from the bottom of the sled as we went blazing along. Still it was made of heavy timbers that had been keep well in that mine for all those years, and the cables that ran through it held tight while still giving enough not to break. To say this thing could not fly would be having no imagination at all, and I was glad it didn’t have sails. At the foot of the mountain hours later, we dragged it to shore and took a rest. I’m not sure which needed it more, me or the horses.
Jacob said, “that was some mighty good ridding you did, but with these horses I don’t think they needed the water.”
I said, “in a number of places they didn’t use it.”
Stan, “I never promised you a lazy boat ride back to town, just three horses, but the rest of the way is short.”
I said, “then let the horses rest for a moment, I drank more water in the past few hours than they have.”
So we made camp for a short time, and Jacob got out his pipe. I dried my guns off with an extra shirt Brandy packed for me, then put it on, and twisted the water out of the one I was wearing. Jacob passed the pipe and said, “Brandy will be glad to know you used the shirt on your guns before yourself.”
I took the pipe and said, “yes she will, its good of her to pack me a towel for them, and its good of you to light this for me.”
As I took a drag he said, “I tried to keep it hot all the way here, but it was too much for me.” I said, “you mean while trying to stay on the horse at the same time.”
Jacob, “sometimes it’s hard to fly and ride at the same time, and watching you can get a man to smoke a lot.”
Stan, “well it’s dry from here on out, and the path has good dirt to the edge of town, or so my travel yesterday gave. Once we have a chance to catch our breath the rest of it should not be so exciting, at least I hope not, the woods may still have eyes I have not seen.” Jacob, “and legs and teeth as well.”
Stan, “the bones in the ash over there were from my meal two days ago, the night before I came to town it came out of the dark at me.”
Jacob went over and stirred the ash then said, “and the rest of them in town, but some got away, maybe on the blood hunt for you on the way back.”
I said, “have good thoughts now, the day is almost over.”
He said, “I am, good thoughts about dead dogs, let them come.”
I said, “let them stay away, at least until I get my feet back off the ground, I don’t want to run and I’m too tired to fight.”
Jacob, “you stand in one place and your guns and blade do the fighting, sometimes without you moving more than a wrist.”
I said, “my wrist hurt as well, they can just handle this pipe at the moment.”
Stand pulled out a bottle and said, “then they better not look at this, they may start to shake at the thought of smooth brandy.”
Jacob, “you’re right, better pass it my way first,” and he took the bottle and tipped it up, then held it out to me saying, “tell your hands to have strength, it’s well worth the effort.” I took the bottle as I handed the pipe back, then took a sip. It went down smooth, so I took another before handing it back to Stan saying, “that will start my hart again, it went cold a ways back, but should make the trip now.”
He took a drink and said, “as smooth and strong as the woman I got it from last night, when I get back I plan to ask her for a name.”
Jacob, “the fruit was blackberry and the woman was Wild-berry, both will take you for a ride of your life.”
I said, “I know Wild-berry, and I’ll stick to Brandy, both the drink and woman are easier on a man.”
After a bit of a rest we were mounted up again, and the horses had no problem pulling the large wooden sled. Down the long trail we went at a steady pace, trying to beat the sun. Soon tall buildings were in sight and I could hear the sound of drums in the wind. They were not talking about us yet, but word of dear spooked out of the hills was in the air. Old pavement soon replaced the dirt we were under, and the sound of the sled made a echo down the empty streets.
“word and cargo,” was the cry Jacob gave as we pulled our way through the city to the place we would drop our load, and the drums picked up the word.
Soon a swinger came down and said, “this area is clear for you sir, and the roofs all have eyes.” I said, “tell the eyes to bring their backs, I step foot off of this horse to find air alone.” He said, “yes sir,” and swung off to catch a tow to the next roof, and a block later we were meet with five
men to move the things inside.
Jacob, “I’ll take the horses back and see you later, hit the air and see TT for me, a pair of eyes have laid their arms on me and will not let go until I get back.”
I said, “they are planning to hold you longer than that, I’m off, “ and a swinger sent me a line. Then with the rains of the horse in another’s hand, I lightened its load by going up to a roof top. Another zip and tow later I was at TT’s and telling him of our return in person. As I walked in he said, “a three day trip becomes two and you turn it into one, I’m starting to think you are trying to outdo me. Or did you find those wings you were looking for?” I said, “both! And a boat as well, thank you very much”
TT, “I thought you would like that, be careful what you ask for next time, I have a way of getting things done.”
I said, “yes, your words got things in place and I got cargo delivered, now trade my tired body for one that will be even more glad to see it.”
TT, “my trade is down below, but I’ll let the words of your day hold so Brandy will not zip in and steal you away to her arms, without so much as a what’s new.”
I said, “the day is on the bottom of what’s left of the sled and the horses hoofs, and it’s words can be found on the wind, which is where my feet are going next.”
TT, “don’t let me slow you down now that your load is light, or can it stand a small bag for the day?”
I said, “I said my feet will be in the wind, not that my back was tired.”
He walked over to a table and got a sack off of it, then handed it to me and said, “tell Brandy to take your boots off, and that’s the last word I have for you to deliver today.”
I said, “thank you, and may your words fly swiftly,” then I was off.
With the sack in my pack, and feet in the air, I took to the zip-lines home without a stop, and rested on my roof before Brandy heard I left TT’s.
She came to the roof saying, “house rules are to give before asking.”
I stood there and said, “you can have all of me, and whatever I have on, but the word from TT will have to wait until I’m in my chair again.”
She took my pack as I dropped my zip-line gear and harness, then held my hand as we went downstairs. I shed myself of coat and sword as she helped, then let my guns find their way to the hooks. As I walked to the chair I said, “last word from TT was for you.”
I sat down and Brandy said, “so what was his last word for the day?”
I said, “take off his boots.”
She laughed and said, “word delivered, load lighted, and boots coming off.”
Then gave me a hand with them, and said, “why do they smell like fish when you were on a horse?”
I said, “that must have been the boat ride, before it became a sled, you can ask the wind or the horse.”
She put them to one side and felt my legs, massaging them as she looked for knots or bruising. I stretched back and moaned with both pain and delight, then twisted my neck as it popped. Brandy said, “more of the lotion for you tonight, but I’m putting it on, don’t want to finish you off before I get started.”
I reached for a bottle as she pulled my pants down, and arched my back to make it easier for her. Then pulled the cork and took a sip, as she put the lotion on my legs. With a light touch she spread it around, then worked it in, moving higher as she went. I reached out with the bottle and gave her a drink as her two hands did their work, and she licked her lips and said, “thank you, and thank you for coming home in one piece, even if it does need some work on it.” I said, “you’re welcome, it’s a task I gladly do, and with cargo more than I went with was nice.” Brandy, “I’ll inspect the rest after I’m done with you, a day early and still I can’t imagine a moment later.”
I said, “there you go again talking dirty, keep it up so I know I’m in the right place, I think I’m dreaming again.”
Brandy, “I got some dreams for you, and if you’re lucky a fantasy as well, now shut up and relax.”
So I let her work my muscles, and take off my shirt saying, “did you clean your guns with this before you put it on?”
I said, “yes, Jacob said you would notice.”
Brandy, “good, I didn’t put in a towel, no one said water ride.”
I said, “I told him you know I take good care of my guns.”
She said, “you better, they take good care of you, but by the weight they saw only a trip.” I said, “they like the peaceful ones as much as I do, and only scream when they are not, so they never feel heavy and make good traveling companions.”
Brandy, “I’m glad you like them, now tell me if you like this.”
She took me into a dream and the night did the rest, my body floated in the weightless moments until the dawn, then a river of light poured me back into my bed. The sun was bright through the window, and the sight of Brandy on my chest made me feel like the day before. I said, “I had a vision, then I opened my eyes and saw you.”
She said, “you opened your eyes and saw my breast,then you had a vision.”
I said, “I think we’ve been through this before and he gets feed first, or was that just a dream?” Brandy, “it was no dream, and if your still dreaming then you’re not fast enough this morning,” and she was out of bed.
I said, “I love fast women, especially when they catch me, then cook me breakfast the next morning.”
She picked up Sage and said, “well then you’re a lucky man, I’ll go see what’s in the kitchen for my catch,” and studded off nude as usual.
I sat up on the bed and took a deep breath, then letting it out rubbed my eyes and stood up. Then looking at the doorway she just walked through, my mind told me my pants were in the liven-room, so I picked up her robe and went after her. As I walked past I tossed the robe and said, “I know where my pants are this morning.”
Brandy, “and that I was not wearing them, very good, you see how much clearer your head is in the morning when I put the lotion on?”
I pulled my pants up and said, “everything fells better when your hands are on them.” Brandy, “and don’t you ever forget it.”
I looked at my guns and said, “looks like you got your hands on my weapons as well, and they got more than a shirt this time.”
Brandy, “I told you I would always keep your weapon clean.”
I said, “that’s weapons dear, my weapon is always clean.”
She smiled and shook a frying pan saying, “I got a weapon right here, and I know how to use it too.”
I waved my hand and said, “you’ll get no fight out of me, that pan has a hot enough temper to fry eggs in it, and I’ll take some potatoes and meat as well,” then went to my chair with a clean shirt.
She put it on the stove and said, “my iron may not shoot lead, but it stops and starts more fights than any gun.”
I put my shirt on as I said, “yes, but you reload it more often.”
The drums on the streets were talking about trade, and I half heard talk about what was brought in last night. Brandy put water over to have for tea and cut bread for me to have with jam. I listened to the wind and the sound of zip-lines in use, a few shouts of morning came from others passing by. I waved, and looked at the things they had, and how the lines were hanging. Brandy cut up the potatoes and added an onion and peppers, while I ate the jam and bread, then passed a cup of tea to me.
I said, “I didn’t even see you make that.”
She said, “your eyes and ears were on the streets.”
I took a sip and said, “this is not what we had the other day.”
Brandy, “no, it’s from the pack TT gave you last night, I said I would inspect the cargo after I was done with you.”
I said, “I like this one better, it has a light fruity flavor.”
Brandy, “don’t ask me what he put in it.”
I said, “he always has a stash of something, maybe this was part of what we went for, he could have had it from when Stan first came to town.”
Brandy, “are you telling me you brought it all the way here without looking at your cargo?” I said, “I looked at it to make sure I could get ithere, and myself while I was at it, the trip left no time for much else to get back so soon.”
Brandy, “and how was that done? You were not in much of a talkative mood last night.” I said, “I thought you would of heard it on the drums by now, I still need to go ask the horse.” She said, “I’m sure it will come to you as your eating, my food has a way of getting words to be heard.”
I said, “and they always come with thank you.”
Soon we were eating and talking about my trip, but it came out in parts that were not in order and much was left out. Brandy found it strange I did not talk about the animals in the woods or what dangers I may had been up against, only the thrills of the run and the ride. But it was all that and more, a day of high adventure without dangers that I knew about, like a reward for the bravery of the day before. Even the night after was strangely familiar, and had a theme that tied it and wrapped this time together into an event of days. Still the hills were more empty of life than I had expected, the city has it in every crack and wildlife had adapted to living among us or us with it, but the wide open keep only eyes on my trip without showing its face. Brandy could see it in my words as I spoke, that things out of the city were not as we thought they were, but it was not clear if that was bad or good. Still new things were in town and I was safe, so for the moment things were well for us.
I said, “the food did fill me, and empty me at the same time, I think it’s time to stretch on the roof now.”
Brandy, “you’re welcome, don’t work-out too hard.”