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The Fell Good Flue Page 15
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Page 15
I said, “night goggles is my name for them, and I hope they help.”
He said, “yes, now I can find more of the good ones.”
I said, “High Harry, I think you found all you need for now.”
He said, “no man, like, for you. Take a bag of each, but don’t mix them up like I do man, or you’ll be out of fuel and days away before you come down.”
I said, “thank you, but I’ll let your two assistances bag them for me, I trust their eye.” Harry, “ya man, like for sure. They’re as good at looking as they are at looking at.” So we got some bags then went back up to the roof. After looking at what he had in mind for my take off, I wondered if he was doing shrooms when building it. A ramp with a detachable sled, and a pulley system that could launch it over forty feet in the air. He wanted to send me from the roof out into clear flying by sling-chair. But his assistances had high hopes of its success, and he talked me into it. So on the drop away chair I sat, and they held my wings up with the fan running. I gave it full power, and they sent the sled into the air with us in flight, then the sled fell about thirty feet away. Slowly I leveled out and started to climb with a wind, higher to fly free again and tilt my wing goodbye. Homeward bound and high as a cloud, I sailed across the sky, looking down on the buildings below as I went. Soon my place was in sight and I circled the building yelling down to Brandy, “how do you land this thing?” She came up just as I dropped down and parked, and running up she said, “you are the craziest person I know this side of me. Will you be keeping this?”
I said, “not if you get your hands on it first, but if you do I will take yours at TT’s.” Brandy, “one for me as well, it’s been years but I would love to fly with you. When can we go get it?”
I said, “that part has nothing to do with my butt finding my chair, so we can take it up there.” Brandy, “of course, you must be tired from all that flying, go sit down while I take off, I mean tie down the flyer.”
I said, “you can watch me tie it down, then I’ll watch you go down before me.” She said, “you can trust me, I wouldn’t leave Sage alone with you and fly away.” As I tied it down I said, “that would of sounded more convincing, if you had been helping me tie it down at the time.”
Brandy, “your hands must be faster than mine right now.”
I said, “they have need to be.”
Then we headed down with the flyer secure, and my new cargo in hand.
Just ahead of me Brandy asked, “so, what interesting new thing have you brought back besides the flyer?”
As I set the pack down I said, “word from Daisy, she wants both of us to come over for full body massages, word delivered and load lighted.”
Then I took off my guns as Brandy said, “she does,well now that would certainly be interesting, especially for you.”
I said, “I told her I couldn’t take anything she was offering, at least not without you.” Then I went to my chair as Brandy said, “I’m sure she still gives away an eyeful, whether or not asked for, as well as having honey lips.”
I said, “Dizzy Daisy turns heads just by saying good morning to the sun, but I dropped load and said goodbye before she could steal me away from you.”
Brandy, “she could not take you away from me with just one massage, but you would have fun while she tried.”
I said, “the two of you are going to have a ball over me seeing her today aren’t you?” Brandy, “there’s no other man we both know so well, both in body and mind.” I said, “that’s right, and you both try to play with them, but only you get to have it all.” Brandy, “yes I am the lucky one, or is that the smart one, I forget which I tell people.” I said, “talking about forgetting things, I saw High Harry on my trip, and he gave us some mushrooms.”
Brandy, “did he pick them or you?”
I said, “his assistances bagged it.”
She said, “good, they keep it separated.”
I said, “he had been mixing them himself, but his place has not blown up recently.” Brandy, “those two women keep an eye on things, and they know what they’re doing.” I said, “that’s always been a help, and his place now has many floors with dangerous things on it, the fuel for the flyer is enough to blow it up again.”
She said, “his still was enough most of the time, but that homemade C4 takes the roof off, he’s lucky not to have gone with.”
I said, “today he launched me with a supper sled to get the flyer up, just like a shotgun.” Brandy, “remember to say no when he wants to shoot you out of a cannon.”
I said, “now that sounds fun, maybe I would fly over Daisy’s place.”
She said, “and be smiling when your head hit the ground.”
I said, “I’ve always said, if you got to go, do it with a smile on your face.”
Brandy, “yes you do, right before a night with me, over and over again.”
I said, “but you keep bringing me back to life, so I can come back for more.”
She said, “I like to see you smile.”
I said, “I got something to smile about today, other than Dizzy, a night-scope.” Brandy, “flyers, mushrooms, Dizzy and a new scope? This has been another profitable day for us.”
I said, “yes, and I’m thinking of opening a wall at the end of this floor be, to fly out of. It could be a movable wall so bad weather does not get in, and maybe I can rig a trip, for flyby trigger.” Brandy, “now you’re talking about flying into a building? I should of never told you how much fun those things can be.”
I said, “I already knew.”
She said, “that’s right, you always were a high flyer, even with your feet on the ground.” I said, “next you’ll be saying I was a swinger even when my feet were not in the air.” Brandy, “you did it that way as well, and so did I, after we got together that is.” I said, “is there something you’re trying not to tell me?”
She said, “yes, now guess what it is.”
I said, “you are going to feed me, something with mushrooms I hope.”
Brandy, “you catch on fast, I’ll make a respectable man out of you yet.”
I said, ‘I hope not, I want to stay with you.”
She took the mushrooms out of the pack and took them to the kitchen saying, “now let’s see, which is which.”
I asked for a cup of tea, then lighting my pipe looked out the window and checked the wind. A good day for flying, and the other one needed to be tested yet. We would bring it home today, and maybe I could start that new landing bay. But first things first, I needed to take care of myself with food and rest, I would need it for what the rest of the day may bring – or the night. We had a stir fry with dear meat and vegetables, with her pushing some mushrooms around saying, “you eat that one.”
The wine was tasty and the hash was mellow, we put on some music and moved together for awhile, then rested again before going out. The flyer could not hold two, so Brandy and Sage went by zip-line to TT’s. I flew there first to check out the winds and tell them we were taking the other flyer. I could see Brandy zip from one roof to another, then run across to the other side for another ride. I hung up there a bit, then brought her down on TT’s roof. Two workers were there helping out when I came in, and tied the wing down as TT said, “I see you’re back in one piece, and before Jacob. Did it fly smooth for you?”
I said, “yes, I even stopped off at my place for lunch, and Brandy is zipping in.” TT, “that’s good, I hope. She isn’t mad about any of the stops I sent you on, is she?” I said, “at last I looked, the only thing on her mind was flying, but what do I know.” TT, “well the other one is still there, but like the other never live tested. May I suggest you have the honor, just so in the saying I may fine grace in Brandy.”
I said, “how diplomatic of you.”
Brandy came zipping in, and on landing said, “is the engine still running, or did you think I would be longer?”
TT, “who needs an engine on a day with winds that bring me an angel?”
Brandy, “anyone trying to get away from Dizzy Daisy.”
TT, “it’s the trying that takes more effort than the deed, so Jacob got to deliver cargo to another.”
Brandy, “you should know, you stopped trying to get away from her long ago.” He said, “by not going to see her myself, though with these new scopes that will change.” Brandy, “yes, but at least her clothes won’t, she never wares any.”
TT, “that’s not true, I’ve seen her take off her clothes lots of times.”
Brandy, “and I’m going to tell her so.”
TT, “always nice to have you, and I told him to test your flyer before you take it.” Brandy, “planning my exit already, or moral credit to protect you from sending him to a bomb zone?”
TT, “if you want fuel for the flyers it will have to come from him, no one else can make it. But as to your soon departure, I only plan to please you until then.”
Brandy, “your gifts have pleased me TT, you get the best stuff and treat us well.” TT, “then sit and have a drink while they refuel the flyer, a charge to the air tank would help as well.”
Brandy, “thank you TT, it’s nice to be here.”
We went to a table as they got the flyers ready, and I said, “I’m planning on putting in a launching bay on one of my lower floors, with a sliding door on a trigger.”
TT, “a big job, just don’t crash trying to fly into buildings now, it’s over you should go.” Sitting down at the table he poured us some wine as Brandy said, “you have changed things around here a bit since last I was here.”
TT, “yes, needed the room for flyers coming and going, or did you think I only had two.” Brandy, “what you only have two of is none of my concern, but it looks like your planning something.”
I said, “TT is always planning something, and what part of it I will play, as well as others.” Brandy, “and am I in your plans TT?”
TT, “don’t smile at me like that in front of your husband, it may be dangerous to my health. Come back later when he is off flying somewhere and we can talk, bring Daisy and we can all get massages.”
Brandy, “did he drop off mushrooms before I got here? You can only dream of what the two of us could do to you.”
TT, “let’s not talk about my dreams in front of him either. Would you like something to eat, or shall I put my other foot in my mouth so this will end?”
Brandy, “there you go again TT, always looking for a happy ending, but you can hold your own.” TT, “help me out here Nibor, I can’t touch that one.”
I said, “you’re on your own when it comes to holding your own, I can’t help you there, but maybe if I fly away she will follow me. What will you pay me to leave?”
TT, “all the fuel you need to go far away, and for Brandy a crystal pedant with the hologram of an eagle in it, the light picks him up as he fly’s with you.”
Brandy, “oh it’s beautiful TT, I can see the eagle in it now.”
TT, “yes, but it really looks much better when flying.”
I said, “it’s a deal TT, cargo received and trade taken, I’ll go first in the untested one.” I stood up and he said, “no need to rush off, but it’s such a nice day for flying I understand. Maybe soon you will see me up there.”
Brandy stood up and said, “flying over Dizzy Daisy’s.”
We went to the pad and I got ready in the flyer, a good wind was blowing, and the fan running well. Brandy got set with the one I came in on, and I was off, with her close behind. I’m not sure which one moved better, but the ride home went well. Even with Sage she was still lighter, and caught up to me soon. Then her skills gave Sage thrills, as we danced in the sky a bit before landing on our roof. I went first to test the current, and came in nicely, then she came down. I was unhooked and wing down by her landing, and she pulled up at the last few seconds to drop lightly like some great bird. Then handing Sage to me got unhooked and tied the flyers. We checked them over for ware, then went downstairs to drop load. On the way Brandy said, “when your son saw we were landing he shit his pants.” I said, “I may have as well, I need to check.”
Brandy, “at least he still has a diaper on.”
I said, “yes I forgot mine, how about you?”
Brandy, “I even forgot my underwear.”
I said, “and the neighbors have new scopes, tell Dizzy there will be competition for attention.” Brandy, “anyone with that sharp of eyes is welcome to a glance, but you get more.” I said, “sometimes these tired eyes need it, but I have seen and heard more than I need to for one day.”
Brandy, “then drop load and close those ears and eyes, let your body speak to you, and my hands listen.”
Taking my load off and setting down I said, “those hands do more than listen, but I’ll close my eyes for a moment and hope my body don’t start screaming for help.”
Brandy, “if it does I’ll be here.”
I said, “I know, that’s what it’s worried about.”
Brandy, “take comfort that your son needs my hands on him more than you right now, or I would show you something to worry about,” and she took him to change.
I laughed and shook my head, then ate some nuts that were by my chair. On the table next to them I looked through the CD’s and found “Free bird”, then put it in, and pulled out the bottle Laurence gave me today. Taking a drink I looked out the window at the afternoon sky, and saw a flash of light coming from the our edge of town. It was from a long ways off, and I had never seen anything make that large of a reflection over there before. Maybe someone was moving a mirror or something, I keep watching but it did not flash again while I was. Then Brandy came out dancing with Sage in her arms, and I watched as the music played.
Brandy said, “I always loved that song, sometimes I would play it when I was flying.” I said, “I’ll have a system and speakers hooked up for your flyer, and a PA so you can call out for TT to stop watching Daisy.”
She said, “the eye in the sky, with a voice too, I would be shot at.”
I said, “it will not hold a lot of extra weight, but a bag of bombs may discourage that.” Brandy, “like I’m going to fly around with a bag of bombs, next it will be your machinegun.” I said, “that would work as well.”
She said, “death from above, oh my, people would sure be glad to see me. You may be able to get away with it, but I’m not joining the air force.”
I said, “good for you, I need someone here I can trust as my medic, you know how to keep me in shape.”
Brandy, “yes, and it keeps me in shape just doing it, so don’t start trying to land in trees.” Then she feed me some mushrooms, and the rest of the afternoon was a dream. But somewhere in it work got done on cleaning up the end of this floor, where I would put the flyers when not on the roof. Even the lift plate was in place on the removable roof, but some of the equipment was not working yet. I remember this part of the building had these things from long ago, but I had sealed this all this up to save on heat. That part was under the end of my practice area, and not used much, the building had a big roof. I think at one time they had an heliport with this drop lift to bring them in, like on a aircraft carrier of the sea, but this one had not been used in six years. When you have a thirty story building to yourself, parts get neglected, hundreds of rooms were left for years if a window was not broke. I knew what I had, just most of it was useless anymore. You would not believe how much damage a few thousand rats can do in a handful of years, why they chose to gnaw on wires I may never know, and much plaster had falling down from some water damage here. But it looked as if I got most of that swept up, and the floor was good. The wall at this end had been glass that shattered long ago, and panels of wood and metal plates replaced it. Isaw a number of brackets and hinges I did not remember setting out, and a hydraulic pump that looked like I was working on it. Wires hung from things all around, but I had working lights here, and power equipment. Looking around and thinking how unsafe it may be for me to be down here still seeing rainbows everywhere, I w
ent back to the used parts of this floor. There was once a elevator that moved cars up here, but I parked the corvette in it before I was out of gas, that was back when I first took over this building. Never found a big enough generator to run it again and I’m sure all the lines are in bad shape, but made a place to push things into like a closet. When you are part of the 10% that took over the world, you find you have a lot of stuff, and most of it don’t work. I saw my bicycle and got on it, then started down the hallway. The walls were giving me a brushing on the way, but I did not fall down. The flashing light at the end of the hall meant something to me, and the waves of color pulled me toward it, with a wash of movement from side to side. Then my tire bumped the door, and my eyes were caught by the strobe light. After turning it off I walked through the door, into the back end of our apartments. I went to our bathroom and washed my face, then took a piss trying not to miss. Looking in the mirror I could see my eyes were still all fucked up, and my reflection tried to kiss me. I backed up and worked my way to the liven room, to find Brandy asleep on the sofa. So I got a bong maker out of a desk draw and put it on a bottle of wine, then stuffing it with hash lit up, and blew some her way. My eyes began to focus better, but smoke birds were flying above Brandy and singing something sweet. I was not going out soon. The wine made the smoke sweet and cool, easy to hold, and when let out turned to shapes seen in clouds.
Soon it woke Brandy and she said, “you found your way, I knew that flashing light would lead you back.”
I said, “who says I’m back?”
She said, “the body is here, the rest will come soon.”
I said, “it may not like what it see’s and go away again.”