The Fell Good Flue Page 8
He said, “I need rescue but don’t want it, thanks for bringing me.”
I said, “my pleasure, try not to let them ware you out to soon, hope to see you at the BBQ tonight.”
Stan, “I’m sure I’ll be there,” and they swam off together.
I got out and dried off as Brandy said, “do you want to hang around here or dry your hair in the wind?”
I said, “it may as well be in the wind, we don’t want to miss much of the day.” So we were off again, and soon back at our place. She took Sage to his crib as I looked around the roof garden. The barrel of fish was next to an edge of a table that the bugs were falling off, and the fish were snapping them up, watering this bunch of plants had driven them to the next in line for a meal. Another table had green beans that were ready to pick, they had grown just from the mornings warmth alone, and soon would be part of a stew or something. And in a few pots out in the full sun were my hot pepper plants, a cross bred mix that was known for a number of tears from many. There was lots of room up here, and the roof was strong, so much was put to good use. The wind we were getting keep a generator charging some batteries, and water was pumping to plants that needed it. Brandy had done a good job at putting things in order, and I went back down glad it needed no attention at the moment. Walking over to my chair I took off my blade and guns, and hung them up with my coat before setting down. A shot-shell sat on the table next to me and I pumped it in my 12 gage then put that next to the chair. After lighting my pipe I poured a glass of wine, and enjoyed both of them as Brandy turned on the music from the other room. Something caught the corner of my eye in the kitchen as I looked through my glass, and the tail-twitch giving it away moved a spoon that fell to the floor. Brandy peaked into the room at that same moment, and seeing me in my chair quickly turned her head toward the table. Upon the edge by the other widow was a pigeon pecking at a crumb it had found, and she said, “a flying rat, well now the character of our guest have improved, but I thought we would have longer before our return was known.” I said, “it has wings, just like the word of its destination that got it here.”
She cautiously slipped in the kitchen and to the table, picking up a pinch of bread in her fingers, then held it out to the bird. It took a peck as she got a hold of it with her other hand, then brought it to me saying, “tell your guest it’s polite to give before taking here.” I said, “it already gave by making the trip, and this one don’t need to be told where its reward is. Let’s see if it has words still worth knowing first, then I’ll talk to it about manners.” I slipped the small tube on its leg off and sat the bird on my lap. Brandy feed it some more crumbs as I read the note. Then I gave it to her and she took the bird back to the kitchen as I said, “make out your shopping list, I’ll see how many other places I can try not to go to today.” Brandy, “these will be coming soon, you’re staying busy for a man taking the rest of the day off, just keeping up with you is requiring me to get there first.”
I said, “then you won’t be telling me I came first again.”
Brandy, “you always come first, and you know what I’m talking about, so let’s not go there.” I said, “I don’t want to go anywhere at the moment, just keep talking dirty to me and I’ll be right with you.”
Brandy, “no time, you told me to make out my shopping list, and we have a guest to take care of.”
I said, “I can entertain notions and guest at the same time.”
She said, “I know you can, your very good at doing many things at the same time, but I prefer to give myself to the moment and devote my attention.”
I picked up my glass again and said, “don’t let me slow you down, my bones are talking to me and I’m trying to pay attention.”
Brandy, “you should listen hard, they tell you thetruth.”
I took a sip of the wine, then hit the pipe, and looking out the window I could see a flag on a nearby zip-line. The midway brake was on, and a bag hung from that point, so I gave my line a tug and the load came to me. The flag flipped over and over as it returned with the bag, and pulling the line up I could tell it was light for its size. More tea and smoke, plus a pouch with bear teeth and a claw necklace. Another wrap of honeycomb and some bottles of herbs were there as well, and some fresh salt in a sack.
I put the necklace on and said, “do you think it will look good at the BBQ tonight?” Brandy, “with your new leg guards and silver wristbands, I could were mine as well.” I said, “more tea, honeycomb and some bottles of herbs, plus fresh salt.”
Brandy, “all will come to good use here.”
I said, “Stan knows how to say thank you, I wonder if he has found the wine maker yet?” Brandy, “if she finds the other two still with him when he does, the bottles may not get emptied before they are broke.”
I said, “she does seem to act more than talk, but it’s her silent times that can be the most deadly, he will need all his skills to trade with her.”
Brandy, “she may want to trade more than he can handle, but her last man died with a smile on his face.”
I said, “he was also very drunk at the time, but he lived more in a few short years than most do in a long lifetime, I think he put too much into the moment.”
Brandy, “you do that a lot yourself.”
I said, “sometimes the moment is just too good to do less, but I’m still looking at the future.” She put a note back on the pigeon and it went off to its next stop, then Brandy came to me and took the bag to the table saying, “I’ll see to this, supplies have been almost nonstop today, we will not need to carry a load for a long time.”
I said, “so the more I can, before the need, the more for the next. But I’m not making plans at the moment.”
Brandy, “the fact that you say you’re not making plans, tells me you already have them, I know you by now.”
I lit my cigar and said, “plans within plans, but only answers to questions I have not asked yet.” Brandy, “that’s why you need to stop thinking and listen to the wind.”
I blew some smoke out and the drums in the streets started talking. Word from one to another was being passed along to this side of town. Fires were being lit at the secure BBQ spot, and people were showing up. Plans were being made as how to travel and reports of safe passage made the ears of places that had spotters. Some music from other buildings was on the wind and a song was heard for others to pass along.
Brandy said, “the streets are talking tonight.”
I said, “yes, the air is full, both of word and people.”
Brandy, “I hope them all safe travel.”
A zip line made the sound that told a thud was to be upon the roof.
Brandy, “sounds light, a messenger or passer.”
Steps came from the stairs as the boy said, “word & trade, may I enter?”
I said, “if you can get past my wife, I’m not responsible for steps from there to here.” He said, “I have something for you, may I give it now?”
Brandy, “a boy with such manners should never be keep waiting, have a seat.” He said, “thank you, this is just a taste, but there will be more at the party tonight,” and he placed a bag of candy on the table.
Brandy, “how sweet, we will enjoy them.”
I said, “what’s the word?”
The boy said, “TT special like want you come to party, and would like word for me to bring back, just that is all he asked of me.”
I said, “my word, this body he will see there tonight, as for the when he will have to ask the wind.”
He said, “I’ll be faster than the drums with that, my thanks for the rest and word,” and he was back out and off in a flash.
Brandy, “he was fast, his trade only got him a smile.”
I said, “he’s light, I was light too once, then I decided to walk and found myself heavy and the lines that way as well. That smile he got was easy for him to carry, and most likely will be worn by him the rest of the night.”
Brandy, “you do carry enough to stop
a small army, but bring or send as much as well, a smile would help give you a lift as well.”
I said, “a light load that can be given and keep at the same time, but must also choose where it goes and with whom, but you can let me carry one for you anytime.”
She said, “I know what’s behind your smiles, and it’s a load others will never get, but you can let me carry your smile with me as well.”
I said, “you remembered the greeting I first won you over with.”
Brandy, “I carry it like a tool to be used as often as I can.”
I said, “these are the things I wish to be put down for our son to read one day, words I may not have again to give him.”
Brandy, “put them down so your load will be lighter, time will give you some grace.” So I made a few notes as she put things away. In a book of paper that I wrote on in lemonjuice, my words were added to others to be revealed at some latter day by the heat to know them. It was a way to keep some things from being known before their time, and I had many already there. Brandy made some tea as I took hold of the moment, and my feather took wing with words from my soul. I blew smoke on the page to bless and dry it both as I went, then put it away for another time, and pulling my blues harp out sent a note to say I was here. Brandy brought me some tea and said, “you see, your load is lighter and those shoulders are more at ease.”
I said, “time and this good smoke has done that, and this tea will help.”
I gave it a sip and the scent brought back memories of old days. She put just enough honey in to offset the bitter and it was not too hot.
Brandy, “this must of come from a vault that had been sealed all these years, it still has the first sent of its flavor with it. He came with but one pack, to give like this he must be sure the rest is a large stash and sure to get back to it.”
I said, “a good find, both his cargo and the man.”
She said, “small things can still carry a lot of weight these days.”
I said, “TT has a good reason to urge him to be part of the grope, and his urges are easy to find a place the way he is going.”
Brandy, “the urges of the two that were there were easy to take care of, others have harder ones that take more time.”
I said, “he will have to deal with those as well when the time comes.”
Brandy, “I was talking about me.”
I said, “then he will have to deal with me.”
She said, “you know where my loyalties lay.”
I said, “the same place mine do, but even boys have dreams of smiles.”
She said, “and they run fast as well, a boys candy is sweet but a man can bring home the meat.” I said, “that’s an old one, and at one time you could say it without seeming to be dirty, but keep quoting things like that to me.”
Brandy, “I will break you of your dirty talking before your son is old enough to understand.” I said, “no problem, I’m writing it all down for him to read later, so put some more thoughts into my head.”
She said, “you already have more thoughts in there than you have time for, drink your tea.” I smiled as she went back to the kitchen with a skip, then relit my smoke. The sun was working its way down the buildings and a red glow gave the day a feel to it. I could hear zip lines humming out there and a few shouts from one roof to another, with greetings or word to come, and a squirrel ran across the windowsill. A flag went up and I waved, then the zip brought another visitor. A thud on the roof later Brandy said, “Jacob, I can tell his thud and step on any roof.”
From the stairs was heard, “greetings, I bring a gift before asking.”
Brandy, “those are the rules, step forward and trade.”
Jacob walked over to the table and put a bag of cookies down saying, “thanks again for last I ate here, may these fill as well.”
Brandy, “gladly accepted, what’s the ask?”
Jacob, “a smoke with Nibor if it’s his wish.”
She said, “you got past me, but the other steps are your own.”
I said, “always welcome my good friend, have a seat.”
He came over and sat down with a, “quite a day, more than one to tell it.”
I said, “then trade on it for as long as you can, you know I will.”
Jacob, “I never let a good trade go to waste, thank you. The party is getting started and looks to be a big one.”
I said, “TT has already got word I will zip in, and a boy traded a bag of candy to Brandy for a smile.”
He said, “it cost me cookies.”
Brandy, “your older than him, I expect more from men.”
I said, “there she goes again, talking dirty to my friends.”
Jacob, “I just write it all down for her son to read when he grows up.”
I said, “so do I, he is going to have a lot to talk to her about.”
Brandy, “the two of you forget that winters get cold, and I am often in need of things to burn.” Jacob, “Nibor, if you get me in trouble with your wife before the party I will not drink with you.” Brandy, “notice he did not say will not smoke with you.”
I handed him the pipe and said, “he knows how to chose his words.”
He took it and said, “after all the years I have known the two of you, I better have a few ways about me, “ and lit the pipe.
Brandy, “and we love you for them.”
I said, “Jacob, don’t forget to put down that she loves your ways. I think it will come in handy one day.”
He exhaled the smoke and said, “got that one in my head to trade often.”
Brandy, “those cookies must be sweet, his words are laced with honey.”
I said, “we have that, and many other things today. What was on your list?”
Brandy, “just trade, setting up the days to come so they flow.”
Jacob, “lots of that going on tonight, and you know the word will be who to go with the new trader. If his stash is as rich as TT thinks it is, only one that needs nothing will be trusted.” I said, “the man came to see me today, and we left him at the pool, I believe he was happy.” Jacob, “happy now, willing to guide later is two different things, easy to come into town with a bag and some words.”
I said, “only time and the wind will know for sure, what part of it I may be is not known to me yet, but things change fast.”
Brandy, “what time would it take?”
Jacob, “my hear is a day and night, that’s with the horse, return would be what cargo and way is.”
I said, “a long time on the ground, not a thing I do easy anymore, and my family has needs.” Jacob, “a hand is offered if its needed, the ground has no fear I can’t take for a few days.” I took a sip of my wine and looked at Brandy. She had that you have already made up your mind look on her face, but that it was alright.
I said, “we will see what we learn tonight, but he came to the city with but one horse, two more is a tall order even for TT.”
He said, “I’m nearly as fast as a horse in the woods and make less noise.”
Brandy, ”but you carry less as well, we would not wont you to tire yourself out watching his back.”
Jacob, “I was planning on letting him watch mine.”
I said, “speed is not the way of the ground, the load must be right on the way there as well.” Brandy, “the way the two of you go around packing, it’s just another day of ammo taking a trip, but I put my faith in his sword for the close encounters.”
I said, “still two horses shy of a plan for me, TT will need something more than I am able to give him at the moment, so we will see what the night brings.”
Jacob, “I hope it brings horses.”
Brandy, “I hope it brings rest before dawn, I have a feeling it will be a long one no matter what comes our way.”
I said, “she is rarely wrong about her feelings.”
He said, “I have the same one about the night.”
Brandy, “the night may not let go of Stan before the dawn, or the women
he is with, hard to get a body to move after a night like that.”
I said, “either she is stating a fact or making plans, I just can’t tell anymore.”
Jacob, “don’t get me in any more trouble, I just came for a word and a smoke.” I said, “the word is good, how is the smoke?”
He said, “mellow and pain killing, as are your words.”
I said, “don’t forget to write that down as well.”
Brandy, “I’ll get your son ready before he hears any more.”
I said, “he does have a smile on his face, but I think it’s just the sight of you.”
Brandy, “only because I’m bending over him dear, you do the same thing.”
I said, “you give me reason.”
Jacob, “you give me words I cannot repeat.”
Brandy, “you both give me reason to change a dipper,” and off she went.
Jacob took another drag on the pipe and said, “your words cost me more to get into this house each time I come.”
I said, “so your starting to see through the plan, well I better change it before you stop paying up.”
He drained his glass and handed the pipe back, then stood and looked out the window. The squirrel ran by again, then took the wire to the next building, and Jacob said, “on the way here I zipped through a long tailed rat on the line, it jumped so high that I was on the next roof before it got a good hold again, lucky my hands were too slow for it.”
I said, “one day that squirrel will be in here to get a snack and I will make one out of him.” Jacob, “Brandy has it charmed, the critter has not passed the windowsill in a month, and now it smells both bear and wolf on you.”
I said, “I’ll blow smoke until it drops with a smile, then we will see which of us has the lightest feet.”
Jacob, “works on me, TT is passing out the good stuff today and so are you.”
I said, “that’s where I get it from, out winter garden does not have the heat I need yet.” Jacob, “the bear fat will make a good oil, if you need more heat.”
I said, “a barrel or two of coal would burn for awhile as well, the furnace is at the corner for good air.”